Welcome to Home Ec. Workshop, Iowa and Iowa City’s natural fiber fabric, yarn, knitting, sewing and craft supply shop.
Home Ec. Workshop is an inspiring and supportive environment filled with great people, irresistible yarn, colorful modern and vintage-inspired fabric, new and vintage buttons, thread, knitting and sewing patterns, books, magazines, knitting needles, crochet hooks, sewing notions, trims, spinning and felting fibers and edible treats.
Home Ec. features a workshop space for sewing projects ($6/hour/person) and a community “living room” where people can spend time together, show their work, chat, drink coffee, eat a cookie, and knit, crochet, spin or stitch in good company.
Sign up for any of our classes or schedule a private lesson to learn a new skill or get help starting or finishing a project. We also specialize in birthday parties for kids or adults and baby showers, involving sewing, knitting, crochet, embroidery, screenprinting or whatever you’d like to do.